The New joker... eh

Ok never mind that it's Heath Ledger and SOOOO not the joker. The first shots seem kind of bland. Not dolled up, very dirty. I guess that's the direction they want to go with this film and this "new" Batman Universe. But ok, the origin story of Batman Begins was great but don't screw with an already good movie that you're, maybe not trying to remake but re imagine. The Joker from the first batman was alread
y great. You can't get better then Jack Nicholson and the way they brought Joker to life.

The last movie introduced the scarecrow character and though he wasn't bad, it wasn't a villain in the batman style, very over the top, very "comic book"style. The way the new batman movies portray villains seems more like "what if this was a real guy and make this villain as real as possible" In that film it didn't bother me because it was more about Bruce Wayne becoming batman not really scarecrow vs batman.

If they try to do the same thing with Joker however... I don't
know. I mean dude fell in a vat of chemicals and somehow became white with purple hair and liked to smile a lot. I don't really want them to "real it up" in the next batman movie. I want a dude that was kind of psychotic in the first place, to fall in a vat of whatever it is and turn into the joker.Hell even the short film "dead end" had a better Joker then this one....

That's the joker I wanted.. not this...