Myst ds... ah no

We all remember Myst.... well some of us. A point and click puzzle game. Either you loved it or hated it (For the most part, you hate) but it was a relaxing game to play on the old computer once in a while. However this is not a "lite" game. I remember writing things down on paper working sometimes 20 minutes just to figure what the hell was going on. So when I saw this...

I thought ..... This is the dumbest thing to bring to a hand held since the gameboy printer/camera

Ok, first of all I really didn't like how you "zoomed" into text on the opera browser and I'm sure has hell not going to like reading "script" looking at drawings like this either.

Second of all, the ambient noises and sound was great. While the Speakers on the ds are ok.... they're not going to capture that feel the old Myst games had.

It really doesn't look like it adds anything new, and a game like this was death on a console forget a hand held a system designed for pick up and go gaming ... WTF? Who thought this was a good idea anyway? Who thought that for some reason someone would want to play this on a DS? Who I ask WHO?