Because the iphone is everything.. the wow iphone

For the hardcore freaks that love to play world of warcraft... now i'm not talking about the dudes that play 6 hours for a couple days or mostly the weekend, or even the dude that buys a few gold once in a while..

I'm talking about this dude..

Yeah that's right the dude that hasn't showered since the game came out, the dude that has pizza hut on his speed dial and the dude that will die before he reaches lvl 70.. yeah that's right, you will die.

Anyway enough of that. If you are a big WoW fan and you have money... I'm sure you don't since you got fired because that one night you weighed in on the choices of "showing up for work" or "finishing up that raid with your guild" The guild won but your job didn't anyway... You can get a custom skin and icon set for your iPhone.. the phone that i'm sure you saved up 600 bucks for.

The iwowphone. Because let's face it, you love WoW. And you need help