Pirates vs Ninjas.... dodgeball


Only a few games can be called "epic"

  • Zelda, for the n64
  • Final Fantasy 7 for the PS1
  • God of War for the PS2
  • Gears of war for the xbox 360
Well Kids that all ends now with ...

From the dudes that brought you fine games like Saints Row will bring you in 2008 Pirates vs ninja themed games. Dodgeball being one of the first, it seems like it'll be a Mario sports type of gameplay with the real game and then "other devices" built into the game like weapons to foil the evil Pirates.

This game sounds like it's going to go on the PSN or XBLA service but who knows. Maybe even PSP or DS although the ds is already getting it's own dodgeball game. I'm willing to slam down 400 or 500 points to end this debate once and for all, who is better, pirates or ninjas?