Dumbest idea for a cd player


A lot of things come to mind when I think of dumb Ideas....

A Paris Hilton CD
But here's the thing... None of these can disfigure and/or decapitate you .. well at least very easily. However the Dual Music player wants to hold that flag for you....

Now here's the thing, it's an MP3 player that also plays CDs. Ok, Sony did that but it's not what you think. This is the MP3 player...

Ok, ok, pretty nice little set up. Not to nanoish looking, not to blah everyday mp3 player, maybe, just maybe I'll buy this little bitch. But then, oh but then my dear readers here is when you say OMG why did they do that? Are you ready? really?

Really? Really? This is safe? CDs spin at about 500 rpm when read near the center, decreasing to approximately 200 rpm when read near the circumference Remember when you watched that video when you started at Home Depot and they said "Make sure the Saw is unplugged and off when not in use" yeah this is a lot like that.

I'm just waiting, just WAITING for a law suit because some stupid kid with lazy parents feels the need to "touch" the damn cd.